Good day Ladies and
Gentlemen and Welcome to the Stranded with a Billionaire
Anthology interview!
We will be speaking
with the six ladies who each wrote a story for the anthology and getting to
know a little about them.
Joining us is:
Siobhan MacKenzie
Seraphina Donavan
Leanore Elliott
Nikki Prince
Brandi Gillilan
Kate Baum
Now that we know our
lovely authors, let’s get started shall we?
Q. What is the
title of your Anthology?
Siobhan: Falling
Seraphina: Wrong for Ms. Wright
Leanore: Lucky Break
Brandi: Let It Snow
Kate: Rich Girl
Nikki: Snowed In
Nikki: Snowed In
Q. Would you give
a brief summary?
Seraphina: This is really about finding yourself in a
situation, with people you wouldn’t normally associate with, where money can’t
get you out of it.
Siobhan: Alexander St. Thomas is
involved in a watery plane crash off the coast of Alaska, forcing him to find
his own way to safety with the only other survivor, pilot Grace Allyn. They
will brave the water, the storm, and the elements to keep each other safe – and
maybe find that there’s a little attraction in the mix.
Brandi: Having worked herself into exhaustion, Natalia gets
taken into the mountains for rest by her former friend Jace. He’s still in love
with her and doesn’t realize she feels the same. A massive snowstorm traps them
in the cabin and when the power goes out they have to be very close for warmth.
Kate: Raisa Hughes is the daughter of one of the most
powerful billionaires in the world. As
his only child, she has been groomed from a young age to take over his
empire. Nicknamed the “iceberg” by her
school mates, she finds she doesn’t care that others perceive her as cold and
aloof. She has learned early on to mask
her emotions to learn to survive in a world dominated by powerful men. She’s always in control.
One winter night her car breaks down on a deserted rural
road. Raisa finds herself stranded. For the first time in her life, she feels
helpless. Then a mechanic drives by and
sees her standing next to her disabled vehicle.
Raisa never lets herself appear powerless…until she locks eyes with
Trent. He just had to be the most
stunning sexy man ever to assist a woman on the side of the road. Raisa finds erotic urges that she never knew
were there…and that she doesn’t mind being rescued after all.
Nikki: My heroine and hero are an estranged married couple
who are billionaires. They are both stranded at their cabin and forced to work
out their issues.
Leanore: Val is an average girl, although she can’t seem to
keep anything…A job, home or a relationship.—Tucker is a billionaire, although
he wishes he was an average guy. Fate deems that they meet and the adventure
begins, as they both get stranded in a Semi-Trailer, going 75 miles an hour
down the interstate.
Q. What inspired this story?
Seraphina: I wish I knew. I just had this idea, and thought
how neat. Then I got other people involved and it just snowballed from there.
Leanore: When the theme was suggested? I envisioned a woman
delivering a message to a man who’s stepping out of a Limo, just as a semi
truck tries to run them over.
Nikki: I was asked to write a story with a billionaire that
was stranded somewhere and his or her money couldn’t get them out of being
Brandi: The theme was inspiring. Trapping a billionaire and
getting them to realize there are more important things than money and work got
several ideas going for me. As well as the song Let It Snow.
Kate: I wrote this novella to follow my Girl series. I’m finding I’m enjoying my characters so
much, I keep writing additional stories so I can keep interacting with them.
Q. What is one
habit you feel you must do while writing? Have a certain snack, music, etc.
Brandi: I have to listen to music, lately it’s a playlist of
Glee music. I also have to have either tea, Coca-cola or Dr. Pepper and if
possible candy.
Kate: Take lots of breaks.
Leanore: COFFEE!
Siobhan: I have to set my
writing space and get my head in the game. Sometimes I need quiet; sometimes I
need music. Sometimes I can only write with an outline; sometimes I have to
wing it. But the one thing I always do first is set my space. Once I’ve done
that, I never vary that routine until the work is done.
Seraphina: Have a certain snack, music, etc. I always have a
playlist. I spend hours building a playlist on ITunes before I write the first
Nikki: I always multitask. I listen to the TV or radio and
get into my happy place and write wherever I am. This enables me to be able to write anywhere
because I can deal with noise.
Q. What is the
hardest part of writing a book?
Leanore: Editing…lol
Siobhan: Starting! Deciding
where in the story is the right place. Deciding what the first sentence is. And
then, getting myself the kick in the butt to sit down and get moving on it. I’m
a great procrastinator and I have to work hard to overcome that.
Kate: Since I work full-time as a librarian the hardest part
about writing for me is finding the time!
Brandi: For me it’s the start because I take forever to
figure out what should start off the story and the end because I hate to end a
Seraphina: Writing a book is easy, getting out there,
promoting it so that people will read the story you’ve worked so hard to
tell... that’s the hard part.
Nikki: For me it’s stopping all the other stories that pop
into my head while I’m writing on the current.
Q. How do you
prepare to write a story? Do you make lists and outlines or do you wing it or
something in between?
Kate: I do something I think it is kind of add. I dream about my characters before I write
about them.
Nikki: I fly by the seat of my pants…so yeah I basically
wing it.
Leanore: I get an image…Then, I write. I am a Panster by
visual means.
Siobhan: I set my space, set up
what my routine is going to be. I tend to like to just start and let it run. Usually,
after a chapter or two, I can find my ending from what I have. After that, I
treat it like a road trip and I set up “my map” by writing my plot points on
sticky notes (a writer’s best friend, sticky notes). The rest is writing about
“the trip.”
Seraphina: I wing it. Sometimes if I get stuck, I’ll go back
and outline, but generally, and especially for short stories, I just start
Brandi: I wing it. I have tried outlines but they feel to
restraining. All I need is a short summary of what idea I’m using and character
Q. What is next on
your list?
Siobhan: My next work to be
published will be another four Rick and Dave stories from the His Man… series. I’ll also have a new
novel coming out, Wilde Mountain Time.
I’ll be finishing No Sooner Loved and
starting on the sequel to that, A Pair of
Stairs. And I have two other books to finish – Her Scottish Exile and the other two books in that trilogy. After
that, the sky’s the limit.
Seraphina: Oh, it’s endless. Another anthology. A full
length novel to finish up the DuChamps’ Dynasty Series. I’m going to write a
novel for Ronan, a supporting character in the Casanova series. I have a
paranormal/romantic adventure tail in the works. I’m insane.
Brandi: I’m working on another anthology with some authors,
a few from this book and a few different. It will be called Hot Soldiers. I
also have a paranormal romance in the works called Eye of the Tiger. And
anything else that pops into my head.
Leanore: Hot Soldier Antho with 6 other authors, Nowhere
Arizona, Book Three…Then Hammered Velvet, Book 4 in the Velvet Series
Nikki: Too many things to mention truly, I try to stay busy
and if the muse is busy…that means I am constantly writing.
Kate: So far, I have six books planned for the Girl series. I just finished book three.
Q. Did you have
fun writing with your fellow authors?
Seraphina: I loved it. Writing is so often a solitary
process. Getting to work with others was amazing.
Brandi: I did. This was my first anthology and they were all
very helpful with any questions I asked.
Siobhan: I do, I really do. I
like sharing experiences but I like the interaction I get from my fellow
authors. We all excel in something and collaborations show off what each of us
excels in. And finding out how we complement each other in the doing.
Kate: I am so fortunate to belong to the wicked women
authors’ facebook group started by Leanore Elliott. I’m inspired, supported and I laugh every
Leanore: Hell yeah! I got to read the entire antho first,
due to being its Editor and Formatter.
Nikki: I love the group in this anthology. So yes, I had fun.
Q. Is there
anything we should know about you?
Siobhan: Other than being a
terrible procrastinator, a hopeful romantic, and an all around poetic mess?
Can’t think of a thing.
Seraphina: I need a
vacation. And chocolate, and until I get one of those two things, I could be
Kate: I love my secret life.
Nerdy librarian by day and naughty writer at night.
Brandi: I’m currently in college for Game Design. Also I’m
an anime and manga junkie.
Nikki: I am a gamer.
Yep for quite some years I played World of Warcraft religiously! Hehe.
Leanore: I’m Wicked Leanore with 20 books and a Book
production Company called, Wicked Muse Productions, we do Covers, Trailers,
Editing, Formats & Conversion
Q. How long have
you been writing?
Siobhan: Sometimes it feels as
if I’ve been writing all my life. I guess I have. Now, ask me how long I’ve
been publishing and that’s a different answer.
Seraphina: I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing,
but I’ve only been published since 2011.
Brandi: Since I can remember. I have always been a writer.
Leanore: Since I was 8 years old.
Kate: I finished my first book in December of 2012.
Nikki: I’ve been writing off and on since the age of 12.
Q. What got you
interested in writing?
Siobhan: I got tired of reading
other authors’ work and wanted to write my own, where I could live out my own
fantasies and romances.
Leanore: My vivid imagination needed an outlet, cause I kept
getting into trouble with it, as a child.
Seraphina: I’ve just always been a storyteller. It’s part of
my Appalachian heritage, I think.
Brandi: Figuring out that I could make up a story and have
anything I wanted happen.
Kate: As a librarian, I read a lot. I’ve always thought about writing but never
got that push to start. Reading erotic
romance finally did it for me. It made
me excited about the genre and anxious to write my own fantasies into stories.
Nikki: I started reading romances at the age of 12 and after
my first romance I knew I wanted to write too.
Q. Is there anyone
that’s close to you that’s really supportive, always been there when you wanted
to quit but kept you going?
Seraphina: She’s no longer physically here with me, but I
think about my mother. She was, in a word, indomitable. I strive in many ways
to be like her, and so when I feel down or disheartened, I just keep pushing
because that’s what she always did.
Siobhan: My Beautiful Man, the
love of my life. He never lets me give up on myself, never lets me give up on
the stories. He reads everything, gives great feedback, and helps me practice
those love making scenes. He is my rock and my cheerleader, and I love him for
Brandi: My Mama and two of my sisters. They told me to go
for it and if I failed try again but don’t give up.
Kate: I wasn’t sure if I was going to ever write book two of
my series. I wrote book one and waited
to see the fallout. Then I received an
email from a blogger for riverina romantics blog, Tina. She gushed about my story and gave me the
motivation to start on book two.
Nikki: I have a few author friends who have cheered me on in
those moments as well as some close friends.
Leanore: Yes, Lea Ellen Borg…Now an Editor. Met her at Amazon
threads years ago when she was just a reader and we are BFF’s. Then, there’s
Ava ( A.R. Von) Chasity Bowlin, Sheri Fredricks, & my biggest supporter for
years…Nikki McCarver of The very popular Close Encounters Blog.
Q. What is
something you want to do? Like bungee jump, skydive, scuba dive, rock climb,
Siobhan: I would love to live in
London, England for a time. Somewhere in the West End, near the theater
district. I want to see all of the sights and sounds of London, and see the
shows there. Maybe some traveling to Scotland and Ireland
Leanore: No, I’ve already done a lot. I just want to keep
living my dreams in books, and helping Newbies achieve authorhood.
Seraphina: I want to rip Henry Cavill’s clothes off, dip him
in honey and lick him clean.
Brandi: I would enjoy being able to visit a few places like
Ireland and England. I would also love to see some plays like Wicked.
Kate: With five children and two in college, I just hope to
have enough money to be able to travel one day.
Q. Any guilty
Nikki: Cheesecake…mmm New York Style and I’m in heaven.
Leanore: Chocolate and Sex—preferably, both at the same
Siobhan: Too many to count – but
let’s just say, I’m a sucker for sappy movies and naked pretty boys.
Kate: Coffee and cookies.
Seriously, who doesn’t like that combination?
Seraphina: Chocolate. Henry Cavill.
Brandi: Glee. I started watching it last fall and became
addicted. Also I am addicted to lemon candy, it’s sour and sweet which makes it
right up there with chocolate.
Q. Is there anyone
famous you’d love to meet?
Siobhan: Tom Hiddleston. Nathan
Fillion. Orlando Bloom. Diana Gabaldon.
Brandi: Plenty lol. A few would be Christ Colfer, Darren
Criss, Chris Hemsworth, Alan Rickman, Mark Harmon, Micheal Weatherly just to
name a few.
Seraphina: Henry Cavill. I know. Broken record.
Leanore: Tom Hanks.
Kate: I am very impressed with the goals of Elizabeth
Warren, senator for Massachusetts. She
is a true advocate for the middle class.
Nikki: Hmm…since I write romance there are tons of people
I’d like to meet…I’ll give you a few:
Bertrice Small, Oded Fehr, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Vin
Diesel…whew…so many more.
Q. What is a pet
peeve of yours?
Siobhan: I can’t stand people
chewing gum and cracking it. Close your mouth and chew it quietly.
Seraphina: Henry Cavill’s
girlfriend? Seriously, different things bug me at different times. I get
annoyed when people assume that writing isn’t a job just because it doesn’t
have regular hours that you don’t have to do it when you say you have to do it.
I.E. “I’m writing now.”--me. “Well you can finish that later. Let’s go do (fill
in blank)”.--Everyone I know.
Brandi: People feeling
they are entitled to things they aren’t, that they don’t have to work for
anything and should have it given to them on a silver platter. I know a few
people like this and it drives me crazy with how they treat their family and
expect to be waited on hand and foot.
Kate: Bullies.
Nikki: I hate being late.
I’m always early.
Leanore: In the house?
Clean floors and counters.
Q. What is a pet
peeve you see in writing that bothers you?
Siobhan: I understand the
importance of an editor but at least learn
how to spell, learn the correct
rules of grammar, and apply that
knowledge for yourself. To depend solely on an editor to do it for you is flat
out lazy
Seraphina: I don’t like overly flowery prose in erotica.
It’s erotica. If you’re thinking up that many big words then the blood is
flowing in the wrong direction!
Nikki: I hate characters who whine incessantly
Brandi: Too much or too little detail. A story can be bogged
down with too much detail. I don’t need the same bookshelf described five
different times in the same chapter. But I do want to know what the décor of a
room is and if there isn’t enough detail then a reader can’t get a fully clear
image in their mind.
Kate: When other authors turn up their nose at erotic
romance alluding to the idea that it’s trashy just because there are sexual
Leanore: THAT? Is too big a list as I edit Pro…lol However,
I have a saying: A Reader Cannot Read Your Mind—Only Your Words.
Q. What is your
go-to song?
Siobhan: Depends on what I need
a go-to song for. For sex scenes, Closer by
Nine Inch Nails. For fight scenes, Walk by
the Foo Fighters. To just get through a crappy day, I’ve Got a Dream by Jim Croce
Kate: “Holding out for a
Seraphina: Different ones
for different things, but right now, I’ve been listening to a lot of Justin
Timberlake. It’s the energy factor.
Brandi: It’s hard to pick just one so a few are Teenage
Dream, Blackbird, Baby It’s Cold Outside, Defying Gravity, Dog Days, I Want To
Hold Your Hand or any song done on the Glee series.
Nikki: Right now I’m in the mood for 80’s songs.
Leanore: So many…Firework for inspiration and Symphony Of
Q. Most romantic
Siobhan: Like the Sun by
Seraphina: To Make You Feel My Love.
Kate: Elvis Presley “Falling in love with you.”
Leanore: And Love Said No…By H.I.M.
Brandi: It’s a tie between Last Kiss sung by Pearl Jam and
Crash My Party sung by Luke Bryan. Last Kiss is of regrets of a love ended to
soon and hopes to be able to reunite in death and Crash My Party is about
crushes and newfound love.
Nikki: God…lol so many but right now I am in love with an oldie
from Bon Jovi called Always.
Q. Favorite movie?
Siobhan: Today? Thor and Thor: The Dark World
Seraphina: Man of Steel. Yes, I know. There is a restraining
order in the works.
Brandi: The Harry Potter series, Narnia movies, Lord of the
Rings or really most Fantasy and Sci-fi
Kate: Thelma and Louise
Leanore: Forrest Gump
Nikki: Yikes another too many …but here are some of them:
Grease, Independence Day, Sound of Music, Jurassic Park, Bride before
Prejudice, 9 ½ Weeks.
Q. Are there any
genre of books you don’t like to read?
Siobhan: Not big on non-fiction,
but mostly I’m not into shlock – anything that’s bad gratuitous. Anything that the author put out there without
perfecting the work. Again, laziness and a lack of respect for the reader. And
I’m rather vampired out, thanks to Twilight,
but that’s changing. Oh, and I don’t do zombies or horror.
Seraphina: It isn’t a genre thing, but I don’t like to read
books written in the first person. I want to be told a story, I don’t want to
be in the story, and when I’m reading “I this” and “I that”, it kind of kills
it for me.
Brandi: I’m not big on any non-fiction books like
biographies or memoirs. I also don’t care to read extremely religious books.
Kate: As a librarian, I obviously love to read and
appreciate all genres. I have a hard
time getting into poetry and wish I didn’t have to admit that.
Nikki: Chick Lit…which is kinda funny but true. LOL
Leanore: Male on Male…Not because it’s gay, but I can’t ever
get past the fact that some woman is suffering out there, because some package
of hot male, will never be available for her. Lol Like oh man, WE females lose
If anyone would like to purchase Stranded With A Billionaire You can find it on AMAZON
It's currently $.99

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