Hello everyone and welcome to Wednesday Briefs Flash Fiction. As always, I was given many options to inspire this weeks brief. I chose to go with the three photos below and no word prompts for this weeks Lady. These three photos inspired me and just fit with what happened last week.
I hope you enjoy & thank you for reading!
“Lady #12” by A.R. Von
I enter the bath Dezso has made for me and instantly feel
calm and soothed. Lowering my entire form into the water, tingles-tickles of
the bubbles are popping on my flesh, as if I’m getting a message from the
tiniest hands in existence. I feel my body melt into the water and relax. I let
out this sound Dezso once called a giggle and glance over at him.
I take a tentative sip. Enjoying the explosion of flavors on my tongue and the
warmth that flows from my throat down to my stomach. “Mmm…It is delicious and-makes
me tingle.” I let out another of those giggle sounds.
There’s no way for me to run because they’re in a
complete circle around me. There is not one opening anywhere. Screaming will do
me no good, because I think it might agitate them and cause them to attack. So,
I stand there and try my best to calm my breathing and end up letting out a
pitiful whimper.
Here are other Wednesday Briefs for you to visit:

He looks at me and smiles larger. He’s been smiling
constantly since we entered his home. I enjoy his happiness. I know if I was in
my unicorn form I would prance around in a circle. Balancing on my hind legs
and swinging around my forelegs in a dance. But of course, if I were still
unicorn I would not be here.
With Dezso…in his home.
My thoughts are interrupted by Dezso who’s next to the
bath and kneeling beside me, handing me what I know is a glass. I’ve no idea of
what’s within it though. It is red. As red as blood and smells sweet as a
mixture of fruits and flowers.
“A drink for you Iria. It is called sweet wine. Only sip it though. It’s not
like water. It’s more of a leisure beverage and I think it will help you to
relax more.”

Dezso chuckles as he removes the glass from my hand and
places it to the side.
I watch him as he finishes undressing and when the last stitch of clothing
falls to the floor I hold my hands out to him. Inviting him into the bath water
with me.Wanting him close.As close as two can possibly become.
He does not hesitate to take one of my hands and steps in while tugging me
forward. Easing himself behind me and setting my body between his thighs. I feel
the firm flesh that’s him against my rump and my center tightens with the
thought that his manhood is so very close to where I want it to be.
I do not say anything. Just lay there while he runs his fingers through my hair
and rubs some more bubbles into my scalp. I’m unsure what I should do. Should I
do to him what he is doing to me or should I just continue to stay like this
and allow him to tend to me as he sees fit.
My silent question is answered when he asks me to tilt my head back and pours
warm water on my head. Removing the bubbles and leaving my hair strands
squeaking. I hear it as Deszo squeezes some of the water from my hair. He then
grabs a container of sorts and applies a cream of sorts in his hands. Then, he
rubs it through my hair and combs through it with his fingers. Once again, messaging
my scalp.
I seemed to drift into a dream state. Falling asleep from being in such a deep
relaxation. I'm not sure how long I am asleep. But I open my eyes to find
myself in a dark place once again. This one is not like the place I was when
the goddess laid the bonding mark upon me. This one is cold and evil.
I hear a scurrying around me as if many insect or vermin are surrounding me. I
need light. I want to see where I am, this place frightens me and my Dezso is
not here.
I remember the word from Dezso’s memories the one he spoke to bring light upon
his palm and I quickly said it with hope it’ll work for me. “Aduro!”
A bright orange glow forms within the confines of my hands and lights up the
extreme darkness. Once my eyes adjust, I see I am surrounded by hundreds of
scorpions the size of full grown ravens poised to attack. All of them are as
black as the darkness that existed before I brought forth the light—Evil and
vicious they are. I gasp in shock at what I see and am unsure of what I should

Suddenly, there’s shaking, rocking. I’m about to lose my footing and fall
directly into a scorpions sting. I hear someone calling my name in the
distance. It gets louder and louder. It’s now sounding like a plea.
“My Iria—please wake up!”
My eyes flutter open yet again, but this time I am upon a soft surface. I’m
breathing as if I’d been running and I feel disoriented.
Dezso is above me, looking concerned and grabs me to hold
me as if I’m a precious infant upon his naked lap. Frantically and gently
checking me over for harm. Satisfied he has found none, he looks into my eyes.
“Are you alright my lady?”
I audibly sigh and nod my head. Wriggling my arms out, so I may touch him.
Sitting up a bit I straddle his lap. I place each of my hands upon his face and
look into his soul filled eyes. “I am now, my desire.” I pull his face to mine
and drink of him deeply with a kiss. Feeling him harden beneath me and rubbing
myself upon him with wild abandon. It is as if I might explode if I don’t have
him now.
Losing my breath in the kiss, I pull away and lift myself a bit. Grabbing his
cock and rubbing against my tender skin where I want it to be. He moans loudly
and his eyes roll to the back of his head. Since he’s not said or done anything
to stop me, I place the head of his sex at my entrance and lower myself upon it…
Be sure to come back for Lady #13...
(This story continues to be dedicated to my one and only sister, my Pookie. Her love of unicorns from when we were tots is what inspired me to write it. Love you my sissy!)
Definitely going to have to come back next week to read what happens next :-)
I am flashing this week -even though my name isn't on the list.
Awesome! Thank you on all counts Victoria :)
DeleteTrotting through again, hum... getting warm in here.
ReplyDeletehe he- Hi M.A.!!!
DeleteThank you for trotting by :)
I'm confused by all the visions and have no idea what's up with them. I'm trusting to be unconfused at some point thought. The pace and tone of the story is just right, rather like a warm relaxing bath
ReplyDeleteIt'll come to play soon. I'll give you a hint... It has to do with Dezso's darkness and the agreement made with the goddess ;)
DeleteThank you so much for commenting Nephylim!
The bath is described in lovely, relaxing terms and then those scorpions signaled something definitely not right! I'm looking forward to next week. :)
ReplyDeleteMe too Tali!!! LOL- waiting for these two to talk to me! They're not feeling this weeks prompts yet. Hopefully they'll snap out of it ;)
DeleteThank you for reading!
ohhh, I was panicking when I read about the scorpions! It took me much longer than I realised to see it was a dream. Adore this story.
ReplyDeletelol- sorry Maria!!!
DeleteThank you so much for commenting & reading :)