Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
SNEAK PEEK - Teamwork (Wunder Book #3)
an unedited teaser for you all from Wunder #3 Teamwork (in Pete's POV). Enjoy!
I can’t help but think how after all of the years of waiting for the woman of my dreams, literally. And now having finally finding her. Actually being able to hold her, have her, taste her…I now feel as if this amazing reality is being swept away from me and I’m not liking it one single bit.
We’ve not been alone or able to talk and get to know one another as couples should since we’ve consummated our relationship. Oh what a night it was! It’s been one thing after another since that night at the club, that amazing meeting of souls that feels so long ago. Yet has not been long at all.
We’re so fucking incredible together, in every way. Even more than I thought possible. Our bodies are so attuned to one another. It’s as if they call out and sing a song only they can hear. I know…I know. It sounds strange, but it’s the only way I can think of to express the feelings and perfection that is us.
She’s tough, sexy as hell, loyal, loving, and just absolute perfection in my eyes. I’d swear she was made just for me and only me! I plan to enjoy her, in every way possible. For the rest of my life.
I won’t tell her all of this yet. Not just yet. I don’t want to take any chances of frightening her away. Even though we’ve been on the same page from the first moment with pretty much everything. I’d rather proceed naturally. Let it flow out instead of over thinking it as I currently am, shit!
Stop right now Pete!
After we’re done with this mission. I plan to worship every single inch of her body. Showing her how I feel with no words, only actions. I know she’s a woman of action and will appreciate such a full bodied adoring session.
It sucks we have to wait even a minute longer to be alone again. I know I sound like a selfish prig. Can you blame me? I’m a greedy, selfish and hungry prig when it comes to her. This is the woman I’ve longed for practically my entire life and I want every single moment with her that I can have. I never thought I’d dislike my job as much as I do since I met Wunder. At all even!
This is our job, our lives. We save people and help to keep things under control. It would just be nice if things quieted down for a few days, a week maybe. Some time to just enjoy the company of another you want to be with and get out the years and years of pent up sexual frustrations out with in the very best of ways. To live and reenact our dreams, many times over.
Haven't read any of the Wunder series yet?
Pick up Wunder Volume One (which contains DreamZ, The Approach and Reunion plus additional scenes) at Amazon today HEREMonday, October 13, 2014
New release - A Closed Door, by Andrew Q. Gordon
New Release: A Closed Door, by Andrew Q. Gordon
Book Blurb:
Outted at thirteen, Orin Merritt left home after high school hoping to escape the hell his life had become. Ten years later when a tornado destroys his childhood home and kills his parents, Orin finds himself in an entirely new nightmare. One he can't run away from.
Blaming himself for failing the two people who always loved and supported him, he returns home and confronts his past in the person of his one-time best friend, Thomas Kennett. Thomas not only rejected him when Orin came out, he led the group that tormented Orin into leaving.
As he struggles to deal with his grief, Orin also labors to fulfill the pledge he made to his parents before their death. In the process, Orin learns that sometimes when you go away to find yourself, you leave the answers you're looking for behind.
Cover Artist: Lily Velden and Jay Aheer
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing.
Buy Links:
"Orin, I won't." Thomas stood a bit straighter and his eyes lost the sad, pleading shine. "I won't hurt you again." "You can't promise that. Things happen." Orin watched as his words dragged Thomas back from the brink of hope. "If you truly believe that, then there's nothing I can do. You have to believe there's a chance or else I can't prove it." "That's not what I'm telling you." He locked his gaze on Thomas's. "If I say yes, I'll have to take down the walls I surrounded my heart with to keep it safe. Once it's gone, I won't be able bring it back if I get hurt. Not now. "So what I'm saying is, think about what you’re asking me to risk. If you really love me, ask yourself if are you willing to risk what will happen to me if you can't keep your promise." He knew how unfair he'd been, but self-preservation had been a skill he'd honed over the past fifteen years. He needed Thomas to know just how serious the repercussion could be for his actions. "Orin, I . . . I . . . how . . .?" Their faces were inches apart, and Thomas moved in for another kiss. This felt different than the first—less urgent, but no less intense. Orin trembled at the leap he was about to take. When they stepped back, Thomas rubbed his thumb across Orin's cheek. "I do love you, Orin. More than I can say. So much, that I'm not willing to risk what will happen if I fail you again. I don't have that right." Thomas's lips quivered and the tears welled at the bottom of his eyes. He kissed Orin's forehead gently. "Good-bye, Orin. Please be happy." Without looking back, Thomas walked to the front door, opened it, and walked away.Author Bio:
Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write. He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his partner of eighteen years, their young daughter and dog. In addition to dodging some very self-important D.C. 'insiders', Andrew uses his commute to catch up on his reading. When not working or writing, he enjoys soccer, high fantasy, baseball and seeing how much coffee he can drink in a day.Social Media:
Website:, Facebook:, Twitter: @andrewqgordon, Email: Other Books: The Last Grand Master: (Champion of the Gods – Book 1); Purpose: (Un)Masked: Ashes of Life:Friday, October 3, 2014
Wunder Series Blog Tour
TITLE – DreamZ, The Approach & Reunion and coming soon - Teamwork
SERIES – The Wunder Series (Volume 1)
GENRE – Paranormal romance/zombie-lit
PUBLISHER – Dream Z Dragons Publishing
COVER ARTIST – Wicked Muse
BOOK SYNOPSIS (for Wunder Volume One)
(Contains DreamZ, The Approach, Reunion AND bonus material)
Wunder isn’t your average girl in fact—she isn’t even an average human. In a world ravaged by Zombies, she was born amidst the chaos. She may have a normal life now…well as normal as a freak of nature could have. Part zombie while her job is to hunt bloodthirsty creatures to protect the innocent. It’s the dreams that haunt her and they aren’t nightmares. Wunder dreams of a man, a man made just for her. Is he real, can he be the one she‘s yearned for?
Wunder’s life has been far from perfect so far, secretly being part Zombie in a world devastated by the plague of the walking dead. Still, she knew there was something special awaiting her, someone out there who could change everything and she did find him. Pete is everything she dreamed of and more as she discovers passion and fulfillment for the first time in her life.
Pete has his own secrets to tell. His world is a lonely one as he wrestles with the reality of being part zombie. His hatred for the creatures that killed his parents drives him to patrol the streets and wipe them all out. His life would be stark, but for the dreams he’s been having; of a woman, so sensuous, so sexy. These alluring visions have become erotic and consuming. He feels as if he made her up to keep from going crazy. Is this life of hunting the walking dead, all there is? Or is she out there waiting—just for him?
Now—with the reunion; Wunder’s life turns into a journey of discoveries. Secrets from the past come full circle and her world is changed forever. In the coming chaos, can she keep her new found happiness and the man of her dreams?
Series link (Amazon)
Why? Why the torture? Each and every single night since I became a woman I awaken sweating, panting, hot and bothered from the pure sexual torture. Many times with my hand rubbing my most intimate place. A dream, so many dreams. Each one is different, but all contain the same faceless dark haired stranger.“UGH!”The only things I know for sure is he is tall, has raven black hair, the same color as mine, but much shorter. He has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Glowing eyes that seem to be able to see into my soul. My heart’s deepest desires and he always grants them to me without pause. It was strange at first, seeing him and yet not. Not being able to make out his facial features, except for his eyes. I got used to it throughout the years, I guess. One thing I DO know, is the way he makes me feel, always!So much passion, heat and desire. He makes me feel beautiful, irreplaceable and wanted in a way, I imagine, every woman wants to feel.Frustration at its finest. This latest dream seemed more realistic than all of the others. I still feel the ripples on my skin from his touch; the most intimate touch I’ve ever experienced, the only touch from a male I’ve had in such a manner. The goose bumps are just starting to go away. His caress is always so sensual and arousing. My mouth is still dry from all of the panting I’ve done, my panties are drenched and my heart is still pounding.No words could ever describe my desire to meet this man of my dreams. That is—if he truly does exist. I’m going to be 25 years old and have zero sexual experience. I’d give anything to feel even a portion of what I’ve felt during these amazingly satisfying yet torturous dreams. Anything!When I finally do get out of bed and stroll towards the bathroom, the floors feel extra cold on my overheated feet. “Definitely starting off with a cold shower.” I turn on the water full blast cold, toss my sleep shirt and panties in the hamper and brace for the shock of cold water against my flesh. “ACK!” Holy crap does it sting. But hey, it works. My body no longer feels the intense heat of arousal, just the residual tingles left after the orgasm, still lingering along my body. I fully submerge after adding some hot water to the mix, when I hear banging on the bathroom door. I jump slightly and slip a bit, almost landing flat on my ass. Luckily, I have fast reflexes and right myself quickly.
He sighs, moving his mouth towards my ear, flicking his tongue out softly and caressing my lobe. I shudder in response feeling flutters low in my belly. “I don’t know if I can wait any longer to have you. I need to taste you—feel you.” Oh my, did my panties just get wet? “Yes!” I say with a heavenly sigh. “Please,” I answer as if he’s offering food while I’ve been starving for days. He uses his tongue superbly to lick all the way down along the column of my throat.Sensuously, he places precise kisses all the way back up, until he hovers over my lips, looking hungrily into my eyes. “I’m going to kiss you now, Wunder. Then, I’m going to take you and make you mine. If you don’t want that? Now, would be the time to tell me.” I’m swaying on my feet, gazing into his eyes—at a loss for words.Finally, I find my voice. “Please.” He takes my mouth with such fervor, my heart pounds harder than after I’ve just run for miles. My legs now feel like over cooked noodles. He holds me tighter, exploring every nook and cranny of my mouth and I answer with the same exploration. He’s making silent promises, grinding his hard length, against my body. I bravely slide my hand from around his neck, down between us, past his chest to cup him through his tight jeans. He groans into my mouth and slowly pulls back to gaze at me questionably. My eyes are still at half-mast, drooping as if they would close on their own accord. I give his jean encased cock a firm squeeze, ‘Yes’ in answer to his question. He takes my hand, tugging it as he moves toward the back of the club. I go willingly. Oh—how I go willingly!
I fall into a slow jog beside Pete, heading the opposite way we came in. I have no idea where we are or where we’re going, so I figure it’s best to find out…“Where are we going?”“Right now, we’re going to try and intercept whatever is coming this way. The vibe is growing stronger in this direction. Do you think you can handle it?”“Of course I can. You should know better than to ask me that. But won’t I be seen in here. Won’t you and dad get—hold on a sec. We don’t even know what it is!”“Trust me Wunder, I know this place like the back of my hand even after only a few months and I also have the cameras handled. No one will see us as long as we stay away from the research sector right now. That’s where they keep most of the infected and do all the tests for cures and such. I didn’t dare touch those cameras. I don’t need to. I only blocked out the ones closest to us. There’s a lot more cameras where we’re headed though. Give me a sec.” He points a finger to his temple, gives me a small smile, then he takes a deep breath and seems to briefly lose focus. His eyes give a quick flash of a green eerie glow.Just like mine do when my emotions are out of whack. I’m fucking confused! What the hell is going on? More damn questions and no time to ask them. Figures, I have the best of luck with everything, don’t I?
(Coming Soon) - Goodreads Link
Their first time as a trio. The team of Tank, Wunder and Pete will face their greatest challenge when they come up against RIP subject number 776, the deadliest Zombie yet. He's unpredictable , smart, full of cunning and has yet to be found.
While they fight for their lives, the heat between Pete and Wunder will blaze out of control.
They will discover powers within themselves brought on by being part zombie. Powers beyond even their wildest imagination.
I had my eyes squeezed closed as I screamed bloody murder. My father ran straight over to me telling me to continue to keep my eyes closed. Of course I didn’t listen. I stood there and watch as he grabbed the infected’s hair, carefully removed the bastard’s teeth from my arm and stuck the dagger straight through his head via the fucker’s ear. The sounds were sickly. I dreamt of that night for years. I was a bit haunted by it, but also fascinated. It was then I decided I did not want a mellow life or job. I wanted to be just like my Dad. A kick ass soldier of good. Well that’s what I thought of him then, so it’s what I went with. I don’t think I was ever far off. These infected are not good news in any way, shape or form and my father, as well as the others he worked with. Fought the bad guys, killed them and helped to slow down the spread of the infection in the area. He, and the others, are heroes in my eyes. Always were and always will be. Once the infected proved truly dead on the spot, my dad freaked out. He thought he was going to lose me. But he was wrong…
Wunder (0.5 DreamZ) - Wunder (#1 The Approach) - Wunder (#2 Reunion)
Wunder (#3 Teamwork) - Wunder Volume One (paperback only)
A.R. was born and raised in Bronx, NY and is the oldest daughter of two girls. She holds an Associate's Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, which was only briefly used. She's a mother of two entertaining teen boys (as well as a lovely fawn Chihuahua, whom she considers her furry daughter.) She's also a wife to a delightfully handsome and amazingly funny man-beast. She loves anything dragon and fantasy related. In her free time she enjoys exercising, listening to music, hiking, cooking, dancing and writing. She also loves a great adventure in and out of a book!
She writes to free her mind of its constant wondering and clutter. She thrives on the fact she can share some of it with readers that have the same passion for a great story.
She also loves to hear from her reader's and chat away, so feel free to reach out to her any time.
5 signed books marks
2 $5.00 giftcards
2 Amazon gifted ecopies of Wunder Volume One
What are they? Well, they’re the walking dead, duh! Seriously though, the zombies (aka the infected) in Wunder have been terrorizing the planet for over 30 years. They are gruesome, strong, and much faster than the average zombie you see on television. They are also a lot smarter. They know how to trap their prey and the best way to get them down for the kill. They crave protein due to its ability to strengthen their muscles and improve their physical condition. So, when they attack their prey (humans), they start off with consuming whatever blood they can get and work their way deep, to get to the marrow of their prey’s bones.
The origin of the contagion is not yet known, but it is under constant investigation. Some say it is alien based, something that was brought to the planet by other worldly beings with hopes all humans would die and the aliens would take over, live and flourish as if we were never here. That’s not yet been proven.
Others say, that it was created as a biochemical weapon from one of Russia’s or Korea’s mad scientists that are out for destruction of anywhere but their country, so they can have all control. But those theories are… Just theories, nuff said.
One thing we do know for sure is Wunder is a rarity. How many people do you know that can actually say they are part zombie? Exactly! NONE.
She now fights alongside some others, to help all that are terrorized by the infected to stay alive and uninfected. She doesn’t see them as kin or anything of the like. She sees them as enemies, targets, needing to just be…gone. And that’s what she’s trained to do for a majority of her life. Taught by her 100% human father and his comrades. Kill or be killed!
Tour organized & hosted by:
Tour Twisted Lies (Dirty Secrets #1) by Sedona Venez
After working her way up, Sinthia Michaels has finally hit it big in the glamorous fashion industry. Young and beautiful, she has it all—a celeb lifestyle, a gorgeous Manhattan townhouse, and a highly anticipated couture fashion line.
Core McKay, former kingpin of New York City’s organized crime, is now a wealthy and legitimate businessman. However, when Core sets his sights on a corrupt politician, his need for revenge leads him to Sin’s up-and-coming fashion empire.
Weaving together his twisted lies and dirty secrets, Core entangles Sin in his web of deceit. When the backstabbing fashion world, the vicious political arena, and the ruthless criminal underworld converge, Sin becomes trapped in the middle and struggles to fight her way out.
***WARNING: Twisted Lies is intended for mature audiences. Recommended Reading Age 18+***
Jesus, I’m so fucked.
Our mouths were a breath away. The desire and tension were almost more than I could take. Abruptly, he removed his thumb from my mouth, cupping the back of my neck, pulling hard on my hair, before his lips settled across my mouth. My breath caught as my mind was undecided as to whether I should pull back or allow him to delve further.
Who am I kidding?
There was no allowing. I was Core’s possession, and the cocky bastard knew it.
Sensually, I moaned as his tongue curled around mine, demanding that it come out and play. He awakened a need that lay dormant in the pit of my stomach, a need that only he could satisfy.
His hand skated down and squeezed my hip while his eyes were fixed on me. “I want you. Now!” he growled.
My pulse raced, and my body trembled with want. He was crumbling my resolve. Diabolically, he stripped me emotionally bare, leaving me vulnerable and raw to the bone. He was revealing a piece of me that would be better left hidden. The message was clear. He knew what I needed, and he would give it to me if I took the leap of faith.
“Sinful.” He licked my bottom lip slowly. He pulled back with his eyes locked onto me with a power that left me breathless. “Are you mine?” he asked gruffly.
My heart raced with sickening excitement. I knew that he was evil, lust, and darkness personified. He should have terrified me, but he didn’t because I was just as fucked-up in the head as he was.
“Always,” I whispered.
“I’m never letting you go, Sin.” Tilting my head back, he kissed me hard. “What I claim, I keep.”
I was a spider trapped in his web.
“Now, get on your knees,” he ordered in a brusque tone.
This was it—the moment of truth that would seal my destiny. Self-preservation finally kicked in.
My mind screamed like a banshee, Run, Sin! Tuck your ass and run!
My body tightened, preparing to run away as if a horde of paparazzi were nipping at my stilettos.
Core’s cold gray eyes narrowed. “I’m a hardhearted, ruthless motherfucker who doesn’t know shit about love or relationships.” He pulled me forward, one hand taking a firm hold of my wrists, while his legs forced my knees apart. “And neither do you.” His free hand ripped off my panties. “Perfection is complete fantasyland bullshit.”
Sedona Venez is the New Adult romance author of the following series: Dirty Secrets, Credence Curse, and Valkyries: Soaring Raven. She’s a NYC girl (go Brooklyn!) with a slight obsession with her iPad, Pinterest, Pawn Stars, and Face Off. Her love of music, tattoos, rockers, and alpha men inspires her novels. She also writes as T.L. Clarke. You can find out more about Sedona and her novels by visiting

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