Monday, April 14, 2014

Tag I'm it- My Writing Process

My amazingly talented author friend Sheri Fredricks tagged me to participate in the MWP (My Writing Process) blog tour. She didn't have to twist my arm, much. I actually love the idea. It's very different from everything else going on right now. The general idea is to explain how I write by answering four questions.

Here I go!

1. What am I working on?
(Click cover to see Wunder on
I have a few projects I'm currently working on. One is a fairy tale spin I'm putting together for an anthology we’re calling “Wicked Fairytales: The Curvy Collection”. It will be available . My tale, "Sweetest Treat" will be available along with nine other romance authors, within the next month or so. It's VERY different from anything I've ever written before and also VERY exciting to be a part of.
I'm also working on the third installment of the Wunder series. I'm continuing on the growing relationship with Pete and Wunder, along with their new task as a trio/team alongside with Tank. This one is going to be a bit more violent and gory, and hopefully just as exciting and sensual as the last.
I believe everyone's is going to want a piece of the psycho infected that's wrecking havoc like no other ever has...
I guess we shall see ;)

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I'd like to think it varies in many ways. One of them being my characters talk to me (mostly) in 1st person PoV. THEY want to tell the story. I'm lucky if any of them give it to me any other way. For now, I'm not going to fight it :)
Also, so far I've dabbled in more than one genre. For example, I'm writing an erotic thriller right now which I can't say much about. But am very excited to release. Then I have the Wunder series which is a combination of paranormal, romance and zombi-lit. See? It's not the normal.
I've also written an adult fantasy romance, soon to be released in paperback titled "Lady's Destiny". It's all about the love a unicorn has carried for an amazing male and the fight between good and evil. There's much more to it, but I don't want to give it away.
If you'd like more info on any of my current releases You can check them out HERE or visit my Amazon page HERE.

3. Why do I write what I write?(Click cover to see Lady's Destiny on

I grew up in the Bronx, facing not so nice reality every, single, day and always wanting an escape. I used to escape in my head, with or without a book. Back then I didn't write much down because, to be honest, I didn't think of it. Sometimes I wish I did. Now, I write it all down and build from there. I prefer to write things as far from the everyday world as I possibly can and share my imagination with other. After all. It's entertained me for...Well, all my life. Why not share some of that entertainment with you all :)

4. How does my writing process work?
It depends. If I'm writing a story for an anthology and there's an idea or ideas to base it upon. I start with photo ideas, then write down what comes to mind. From there I go back and forth between my notes and the collection of photos I have while listening to music and let the characters that formed tell me their stories :)
It's not always as easy as I just made it sounds. But it's what I've done and what's worked for me to this point. So I'm not changing it up.

Thanks for reading!

Now, how does this blog continue? I’ll tag an author or two and on April 21 you can read about their writing process on their sites. Here’s who I tag: Ashlynne Laynne ( A GREAT friend of mine and an even greater author. Check out here Prodigy series HERE

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