The winners of an Amazon gifted ebook of Jailhouse Rock, a signed (by me) bookmark and a temporary tattoo ARE...
(There are 4 winners in total. 2 from this page (https://www.facebook.com/ArVonDreamzOfDragons?fref=ts) and 2 from the blog)
Carmen Reyes
Ginelle Blanch
Laura Dogsmom
Laurie Lunn
Congrats to you all!
Please private message me with your mailing address, email address AND prizes won so I can get it right to ya! (I'm only asking for prizes won because I have 4 other giveaways I'm distributing prizes to at the moment lol)
Thank you all for hopping! I'll see you again soon ^_^
Congrats again!
Today only you can win 80+ prizes during the Spring Into Romance Facebook Hop!
First, for everyone looking at this right now. Here's a FREE gift for you (18 + reader's only please)
Grab your copy at one of these ebook sellers:
For this stop. Like the fb pages listed below. Then leave a comment in the comment section on THIS blog telling us your favorite thing about spring. It's that simple!
FACEBOOK LINK 1: A.R. Von DreamZ of Dragons
(Be sure to enter the giveaways currently happening on BOTH fb pages!)
TWO winners will receive a signed bookmark, a temporary tattoo AND an Amazon gifted ebook of Jailhouse Rock by me (A.R. Von). Check out the photos and links below for a better idea of the prizes and be sure to click the link below the prize photos to visit the next page!
Check out Jailhouse Rock here: AMAZON
Temporary tattoo
There are over 80 authors and bloggers are participating in the Hop and offering giveaways! Want to enter the other giveaways? Start by clicking here then hop from page to page once you're done there!
Good luck everyone and have fun :-)