Friday, December 19, 2014

Jingle Bell Book Hop

Hello everyone & welcome to the Jingle Bell Book Hop!

While Christmas is not my absolute favorite holiday I do love it! Especially all of the lights, decorations and gatherings. This is one of the holidays that helps bring family together (I LOVE that!)
Oh & I LOVE baking for the holiday! Cookies, pies, cakes, lasagna (OH YUM!) And because of that, I'm going to link you to one of my all-time favorite cookie recipes (there are a couple of variations of this. This is one of the tastiest), enjoy!

(click on cookie name to get recipe)

Now, if you're hopping around, you already know one of the SURPRISE gifts is received by commenting below with your name and email, each reader gets a FREE EBOOK from the author for the site/blog you're commenting on.
I'm offering up THE APPROACH, Book #1 of my Wunder series to you via Amazon gifting. You can get the prequel, DreamZ (and an amazing warm-up to the series) FREE by clicking HERE

Enjoy & Happy Holidays!

Rafflecopter code:

1.Lacey Weatherford2.Kamery Solomon
3.Belinda Boring4.Sherry D. Ficklin
5.Audrey Harte6.Julie Richman
7.Eva Pohler8.Michelle Graves
9.Jackie Chanel10.Janet Shawgo
11.D. Love12.Angela Goldsberry
13.A.R. Von14.Jessica Gibson
15.Pauline Creeden16.Melanie Karsak
17.Cynthia P. O'Neill18.Helena Hunting
19.Morgan Kearns20.Tijan
21.Vi Keeland22.Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons
23.Tawdra Kandle24.Heather Adkins
25.Liv Morris26.Kelley Grealis

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lady's Destiny made it to the finals in the #Authors db cover contest!

We'd appreciate it if you would take a moment to vote for Lady's Destiny (link below)

Hello ALL!
Just a brief post with an update and a request...
First we want to thank everyone that helped us to make it this far. We would not have done it without you!
This is the last round and it only runs until December 21, 2014. We hope we can count on your continued support and your vote :)
Voting is a bit different from the last round, but not torture (we promise) lol 
All you have to do is click on the link provided and fill out the details, easy.
Here's the direct link to vote:
Thank you for taking the time to help and show your support. It means a lot to me and all who have contributed 

Warm thoughts and wishes sent out to one and all!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New release! Teamwork (Book #3 of the Wunder series) FINALLY!!

Their first time as a trio. The team of Tank, Wunder and Pete will face their greatest challenge when they come up against RIP subject number 776, the deadliest Zombie yet. He's unpredictable, smart, full of cunning and has yet to be found.

While they fight for their lives, the heat between Pete and Wunder will blaze out of control.

They will discover powers within themselves brought on by being part zombie. Powers beyond even their wildest imagination.

Get your copy only at Amazon HERE
Find Teamwork on Goodreads HERE

I can’t help but think about how after all of the years of waiting for the woman of my dreams—the one woman, who has claimed me, kept me sane and makes me feel…whole. These many years of only dreams, my mind’s way of showing me my one soul mate and now I have finally found her. Actually being able to hold her, have her, taste her…I, at this moment feel as if this amazing reality, so short lived, is being swept away from me and I’m not liking it one single bit. I want more than just the brief and amazing first time we had. I want to give her romance, show her what she means to me with actions as well as words.
We’ve not been alone or able to talk, get to know one another as couples should since we’ve consummated our…bond. Oh, what a night it was! It’s been one thing after another since that night at the club, that amazing meeting of souls that currently feels so long ago, yet it’s not been long at all.
We’re so fucking incredible together, in every way a couple should be. Even more than I thought possible when I thought of her as real through the years. Our bodies are so attuned to one another. It’s as if they call out and sing a song only our physical forms can hear. I know…I know. It sounds strange, corny even but it’s the only way I can think of to express the feelings and perfection that is us.
She’s tough, sexy as hell, loyal, loving and just absolute perfection in my eyes. I’d swear she was made just for me and only me! My mate, the filler that soothes the empty places within me. My woman, a woman I plan to enjoy, in every way possible. For the rest of my life.
I won’t tell her all of this yet. Not just yet.
I don’t want to take any chances of frightening her away or jumping the gun. Even though we’ve been on the same page from the first moment we touched with pretty much everything. I’d rather proceed naturally. Let it flow out, instead of over thinking it as I currently am, shit!

Stop right now Pete!

Get the rest of the Wunder series now!
You can get each individual serial OR grab up Wunder Volume One (which has 0.5, #1 & #2 PLUS additional scenes all in one).

Check them all out HERE



Coming 2015/2016
View on Goodreads HERE

View on Goodreads HERE

View on Goodreads HERE

View on Goodreads HERE

About A.R. Von
A.R. was born and raised in Bronx, NY and is the oldest daughter of two girls. She holds an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, which was only briefly used. She’s a mother of two entertaining teen boys (as well as a lovely fawn Chihuahua, whom she considers her furry daughter.) She’s also a wife to a delightfully handsome and amazingly funny man-beast. She loves anything dragon and fantasy related. In her free time she enjoys exercising, writing, listening to music, hiking, cooking, dancing and reading. She also loves a great adventure in and out of a book!
She writes to free her mind of its constant wondering and clutter. She thrives on the fact she can share some of it with readers that have the same passion for a great story.

She also loves to hear from her reader’s and chat away, so feel free to reach out to her any time.

A.R.'s Links:WEBSITE